This Issue

Texas Construction Defects Lawyer

Interview: Marc Gravely

Texas Construction Defects Lawyer

Marc Gravely

Marc Gravely, leading Texas Construction Defects Lawyer, renowned speaker, and author of the new book, “Reframing America’s Infrastructure,” offers unique insight into the state of American infrastructure, the role infrastructure played in the collapse of leading civilizations, and the players responsible for ensuring we don’t meet the same fate.
Interview Platform...

Ramifications of Using Sub-Standard Materials in Construction

Ramifications of Using Sub-Standard Materials in Construction

Poor quality construction materials pose a significant threat to building lifespans, the economy, and human lives. Construction of substandard buildings can lead to numerous repercussions, including premature building component failure, accelerated building deterioration, even building collapse.
Why then do we use substandard materials in construction? How does the use of substandard...

The Post Pandemic Drive to Healthy Buildings

The Post Pandemic Drive to Healthy Buildings

Other sources suggest that a healthy building also factors in the three pillars of sustainability: social, environmental, and economical. Regardless, integrating all these points into a new build would yield an ideal outcome - but how is this possible?
For starters, the discourse around construction needs to shift from erecting a building as quickly as possible to taking the time, necessary...

What We Should Learn from the California Energy Crisis

What We Should Learn from the California Energy Crisis

Despite California often being one of the pinnacles of America, the state isn't all sunshine and beaches, as it is currently in the midst of one of the country's longest-standing energy crises'.
According to the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA), California has been in an energy crisis since the turn of the century.
It began as a result of the deregulation in 1998...

U.S. Bridges Are in Bad Shape

U.S. Bridges Are in Bad Shape

As the nation’s infrastructure is crumbling, and we are not putting nearly enough resources into fixing the problem. In 2007, Robert W. Clark, P.E., M.ASCE began to sound the alarm about two bridges in Stuyvesant, New York that were “extreme examples of neglect.” Built in 1924, the bridges were “both so rusted that large pieces have separated from flanges, webs, and...