
Author and Adult Stem Cell Scientist

Interview: Christian Drapeau

Author and Adult Stem Cell Scientist

The May issue of the journal Scientific American featured a fascinating article about stem cells and a new development. Can you give us a quick summary? In brief, it described the recent development of a novel type of experimental stem cells referred to as induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, or iPSCs. iPSCs are produced by isolating skin cells –or technically any type of cells and...

Powerful Branding Strategies For Amazing Career Results

Interview: Maggie Jessup

Powerful Branding Strategies For Amazing Career Results

Your new book is about personal brand strategy? Why the title "Fame 101"? If there were a Fame School, where professionals learn to package, market, and roll out their expertise, Fame 101 would be the textbook for every course. As authors we try to give the readers a complete education in personal branding, thus the college-course sounding title.
Are we talking about Paris Hilton and...

Battle of the Business Gurus: Ainslie Waldron Australia v Tim Grizzle USA

Interview: Tim Grizzle cpa

Battle of the Business Gurus: Ainslie Waldron Australia v Tim Grizzle USA

IP: We saw your comment on Ainslie Waldron's book The Ultimate Secret for Business You wrote "It's Business Unusual for Australia's Leading Business Thinker", yet Ainslie doesn't typically begin looking for problems and solutions within companies in their finances but rather in human resources, marketing, and communications. This seems the opposite of your methodology. How do...

Adult Stem Cells: Rx for Ultimate Health?

Interview: Christian Drapeau

Adult Stem Cells: Rx for Ultimate Health?

Your stem cell theory is based on a non traditional perception of health and disease. Can you tell us first about the traditional? The traditional way of looking at health and disease is that someone is attacked by bacteria or a virus and you must do things to eliminate the virus or bacteria. Or, perhaps that person might have an organ that is not functioning as it should and they develop a...

Small Business Turnaround Formula

Interview: Ainslie Waldron

Small Business Turnaround Formula

Ainslie, in your new book The Ultimate Secret for Business you write that you believe business leaders should follow a holistic approach to management. What do you mean by this? As I studied the management style of hundreds of business owners and leaders over the past fifteen years I found they typically fall into two categories. One is the most prevalent and this...

Award Winning Actor and Enation Drummer

Interview: Richard Lee Jackson

Award Winning Actor and Enation Drummer

You've got a great acting career but suddenly there's buzz everywhere about your band Enation. What's going on there? We've released our new record, World In Flight and we're really excited about it. We've had Enation for over six years now, and have had some good exposure in the past, but this year it really took off with much more national exposure Two Enation songs were featured on CW's...

Guerrilla Filmmaker & Advocate for True Independent Films

Interview: Andy Mingo

Guerrilla Filmmaker & Advocate for True Independent Films

Andy, what is Film Festival Season; we’ve all heard of the Sundance Film Festival – has it grown beyond that one event? Well, yes and no. Actually there’s been an explosion of film festivals since the heralded 1980’s where Sundance was established as a beacon for independent film. But since then Independent Film has become big business and the large festivals that...

Management Consultant and Mensa Leader

Interview: Ainslie Waldron

Management Consultant and Mensa Leader

Ainslie, you’ve written a lot recently about recession-tuning your business; aren’t most businesses doing this already? Certainly businesses of every size are cutting back heavily in response to the contracted economy but I’m suggesting that most companies are missing out by focusing solely on reducing expenses. Recession Tuning a business isn’t slashing expenses,...

America's Leading Adult Stem Cell Scientist

Interview: Christian Drapeau

America's Leading Adult Stem Cell Scientist

What is your position regarding Obama’s reversal of Bush’s stem cell policy? President Obama was facing a significant dilemma. It is a very delicate situation, mostly because the information that has been presented to the American public was twisted to serve political aims.
What information are you referring to and in what way was it twisted? An emphasis was placed on...

Author & Adult Stem Cell Scientist

Interview: Christian Drapeau

Author & Adult Stem Cell Scientist

The February 9 Time Magazine cover reads: "How the Coming Revolution in Stem Cells Could Save your Life – Diabetes, Heart Disease, Parkinson's". We have been hearing about Stem Cell science for years. What is new in this article? Can you summarize the key point? The key point of the Time article is the description of a recently developed new way of creating stem cells, by manipulating...